Undergraduate- Ege University Faculty of Dentistry
Specialization – Pamukkale University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Dentist – Bursa Special Machete ADSP
Research Assistant Dentist – Pamukkale University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Turkish Dental Association
Association of Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology
Ultrasonography Course – Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology Association (2022)
A1. Özlü Uçan G., Apaydın B. K., Uçan B. Extended Reality Technology as an Innovative Method in Dentistry Education. AURUM Journal of Engineering Systems and Architecture, 2022; 6(1), 125-130.
2- Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings
B1.1 Özlü Uçan G., Açıkgöz G. Evaluation of Pneumatization of Articular Eminence and Glenoid Fossa: CBCT Versus Panoramic Radiography, Turkish Dental Association 26th International Dental Congress, Istanbul, 2022 (Abstract Paper)
B1.2 Özlü Uçan G., İçöz D., Apaydın B. K. Radiological Evaluation of Posterior Superior Alveolar Artery Using CBCT, International Congress of Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology Association, İzmir, 2022 (Abstract Paper)
B1.3 Koşar H., Apaydın B. K., Özlü Uçan G., Akgül H. M. Frequency of Soft Tissue Calcifications and Ossifications in Panoramic Radiographs: Retrospective Archival Study, International Congress of Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology Association, İzmir, 2022 (Summary Paper)
3- Written national/international books or chapters in books:
C2. Chapters in written national/international books:
C2.1. “Virtual Reality Applications in Dentistry”, Özlü Uçan G., Uçan B. “Health in Folk Culture”, Prof. Dr. Ömür Ceylan, Editor, Motif Publications, Istanbul, pp.607-615, 2021.
C2.2 “Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Dentistry” Özlü Uçan G., Apaydın B. K. “International Research and Reviews in the Field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery” Assoc. Dr. Adalet Çelebi & Dr. Lecturer Member Mehmet Özgür Özemre, Editor, Bidge Publications, Ankara, pp.6-29, 2023.
4- Articles published in national refereed journals:
D1. İçöz D., Özlü Uçan G., Apaydın B. K., Karakurt R. Prevalence of Sublingual Varicose Veins and Evaluation of Possible Etiological Factors. Selcuk Dental Journal. 2022; 9(3): 763-768.
There are simulation laboratories and clinical environment in the training hospital of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Dentistry, which was created by following the latest technological developments and can provide training to 70 students at the same time.
0 212 800 11 21
0536 593 90 21
Cihangir, Petrol Ofisi Street No:3 Avcılar/Istanbul
Istanbul Gelisim Dental Hospital © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Corporate Website Developed by the Met Digital Agency.
There are simulation laboratories and clinical environment in the training hospital of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Dentistry, which was created by following the latest technological developments and can provide training to 70 students at the same time.
0212 800 11 21
0536 593 90 21
Istanbul Gelisim Dental Hospital © 2022 All Rights Reserved.