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What to Consider in the Process of Orthodontic Treatment

  • Genel
  • What to Consider in the Process of Orthodontic Treatment

İçerik Kılavuzu

Orthodontics and surgical intervention may be required in cases that develop due to dysfunctions and structural disorders. The fact that the upper and lower jaw structure in adolescence is forward or backward can be treated with an orthodontic method. Orthodontic disorders that occur as a result of habits such as baby bottle, nail-biting since infancy can be solved with orthodontic treatments in adulthood, even if they are not treated in childhood.

The important thing here is to perform orthodontic treatment

as early as possible and to pay attention to the guidelines recommended by the dentist after the treatment. Each patient’s complaint will be unique as well as the treatment will be personal.

Thus, since the time of treatment

will vary according to the person, it is of great importance to acting in a way to support the treatment in order to shorten the healing process.

  • Pain

The feeling of discomfort that occurs in the first week of treatment is normal. The feeling of pressure or discomfort experienced by many patients

can also be perceived as pain. It is important to be very careful about eating and drinking, as the breakage of the braces from the tooth 4-6 hours after the braces are attached will affect your treatment process and the amount you will pay.

  • Ideal Foods and Drinks After Getting Braces

It is very important for your treatment to take good care of the brackets that transfer the power from the braces to the teeth. You must be very careful about eating and drinking as the breakage of the brackets from the tooth will affect your treatment process and the amount you will pay.

You should also avoid hard foods and products that can be broken into small pieces (like popcorn). During the first month, it would be best to consume food by cutting it into small pieces with a knife, not by biting. It is so crucial to avoid anything that will put pressure on the brackets, as even removing the olive pit from the mouth will positively affect the treatment.

  • Orthodontic Wax Usage

Those who start orthodontic treatment definitely hear about the use of waxes from their dentist. In order to prevent the brackets from irritating and disturbing the oral tissues, the orthodontist will give you orthodontic wax. Therefore, if you experience any discomfort in your mouth, you should talk to your orthodontist and start using wax.

  • Tooth Brushing

Everyone is curious about tooth brushing during orthodontic treatments. Brushing teeth after each meal is very important in terms of preventing plaque accumulation. In addition, brushing the teeth that prevent white discoloration on the teeth will also prevent the brackets from weakening.

If you do not take care of your teeth after your orthodontic treatments, it will weaken the connections between the bracket and the tooth and you may face a prolongation of your treatment.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ufuk OK

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